Town Meeting

≈≈≈ Be an active participant in our town and attend our town meetings ≈≈≈

Solon has the Town Meeting form of government. The Town Meeting is the purest form of democracy in existence today. Without citizen participation it can not work. The citizens decide whether or not to approve the warrant items presented to them at the Town Meeting. The citizens of Solon decide on how much the town will spend each year on the municipal budget.

Annual Town Meetings

  • Held the 1st Saturday in March
  • Located at the Solon Elementary School on South Main Street. 
  • Voting for Elected Officials is from 8 am to 12:15 pm.
  • The Annual Town Meeting begins at 1:30 pm.

Elected Positions:

  • Selectmen  (3 seats on a 3-year term, rotating schedule) 
  • Road Commissioner (1 year term)
  • School Board Director (3 seats on a 3-year term, rotating schedule)

Nomination Papers

Nomination papers for the various elected positions are available at the Town Office starting in December and are due back in the middle of January.  Contact the Town Clerk for more information about running for an elected position.  

Budget & Warrant

The Selectmen prepare the Town Budget and Warrant Articles for the upcoming Town Meeting and presents them to the Budget Committee for their review at their Annual Budget Meeting the 3rd Saturday in January at 8 am at the Town Office.  If you want to have an article considered at the Annual Town Meeting it must be presented to the Selectmen no later than the Wednesday before the Annual Budget Meeting in January.

Town Report

Town Reports will be mailed out to the residents in Solon the end of February.  If you do not receive one in  the mail,  you can pick one up at the Town Office.  The Town Report includes the Warrant for the upcoming Annual Town Meeting.

Special Town Meetings

Special town meetings are held throughout the year as determined by the Board of Selectmen. There are years where no special town meetings are held. They are typically scheduled on a Wednesday evening at 6 PM.

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